To provide a place for
Having a place for positive interaction between the youth of our communities and our Police Officers in a caring, compassionate, and fun manner is more important than ever in these quickly changing times.

the NCPAL Mission
A place for all boys and girls in Nassau County regardless of race, religion, income or disability.
Our mission is to operate youth clubs and provide sports, crafts, educational and other programs of a team and individual nature for all boys and girls in Nassau County regardless of race, religion, income or disability. The intent of the activities is to prevent juvenile delinquency, steer children clear from gang activity and to aid in the positive interaction of Police Officers and Youth.

Our Impact
As a nation, we need to build more understanding between police and our communities.

NCPAL has successfully facilitated police officer, community, and youth interaction and involvement for over 82 years. We are proud of our longevity and all-inclusive programs.

ACTIVITIES & SPORTSWith over 40+ activities, programs and sports offered in our 31 units, we offer something for everyone.
Years & CountingNCPAL has been serving the youth of Nassau County for more than 8 decades and look forward to many, many more with your support!
Kids Per YearWith over 20k participants in our programs each year, NCPAL is grateful to be able to continue our mission across such a large and diverse population!
Special Needs
We are proud that NCPAL has the largest Special Needs Unit in the nation. We are grateful to the support of our volunteers in continuing to grow this unit and provide services to so many of our Special Needs community.

Choose Your Sport

Choose a sport, activity, or program to see which of our 31 units offer it!