NCPAL Mission Statement
To operate youth clubs and provide sports, crafts, educational and other programs of a team and individual nature for all boys and girls in Nassau County, NY regardless of race, gender, religion, income, or disability. The intent of the activities is to prevent juvenile delinquency, steer children from gang activity, and to aid in the positive interaction of Police Officer and the youth of our county.
NCPAL History

In 1940, under the direction of Nassau County's first Police Commissioner Abraham Skidmore, the Nassau County Police Boys Club was formed. Since that time there have been several changes, including changing the name of the organization in 1987 to the Nassau County Police Activity League (NCPAL). While the name may have changed, the mission of the organization remains the same today as it was back in 1940. Our mission is to prevent juvenile delinquency and aid in the development of good citizenship through positive interaction of the youth of our county and Police Officers.
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